Utilizing a Social Media Platform to Increase Participation in a Virtual Journal Club

Alex Bubica, Trisha Saul

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

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Background: A virtual journal club (VJC) is a place where nurses can read, synthesize, and discuss research and evidence-based practice articles. There is a well-known time lag of disseminating this knowledge from bench to bedside. In 2016, a 300-bed community hospital constructed a VJC to educate nurses on the latest studies. In 2016 and 2017, this VJC was used via an intranet-based platform with little success. Main barriers included (1) no access outside of work and (2) difficulty following threads leading to in-cohesive interactions. In 2018, a website was created. This platform had one fatal flaw, a multistep verification process to gain access, with the verification email being routed into spam. In late 2018, a literature search was done to identify best practices. A number of articles were reviewed with results indicating that the utilization of a social media platform increased participation.

Purpose/Aim: The purpose of this evidence-based practice project was to offer a social media platform for all nursing staff to participate in a VJC. Aim 1: To set up an organizationally approved social media account for the VJC. Aim 2: For the participants to have access to the VJC at home and at work. Aim 3: To increase the number of participants using the VJC.

Approach: The Nursing Research Council used the Rosswurm and Larrabee model as a systematic evidence-based practice process. Step one, assess the need for change, was done mid-2018 when platform problems were identified. Steps two and three: link problem with interventions and outcomes, and synthesize best evidence, was done at the end of 2018. Step 4, design a plan, was discussed in detailed early in 2019, and a number of traditional social media platforms were reviewed but did not meet institutional security measures. One social media platform that the organization already used was identified. Step 5, implementing and evaluating a plan, involved three phases. Phase one was exploratory. An account was created with basic information. Council members and the Education team were invited to test out the accessibility (i.e., desktop and phone application). Phase two included a soft-opening with the VJC completely set up, and Council members each did an initial post and a response. All potential barriers were evaluated and addressed. Phase 3, hospital go-live in May, included a number of promotional techniques (i.e., QR codes, emails, signs). Stage 6, integrate and maintain is discussed below.

Results: Aim 1 and Aim 2 were successfully met by identifying a user-friendly social media platform, that resembles the basic principles of a traditional social media news feed. Aim 3 was measured by number of total members and posts. Compared to 2018, 2019 increased in VJC members from 22 to 44 and total number of posts from 46 to 106.

Conclusion & Implications: Advances in nursing practice need to be communicated quickly. Utilizing a social media platform versus an internet-based platform has increased participation within the VJC. Thus this practice change has been deemed successful, and continues to be maintained by the Nursing Research Council.

Original languageUndefined/Unknown
StatePublished - Jun 1 2021

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